Monthly Archives: December 2014

Source: lacroixboys

Watched Les Mis 2012 with diminutive-fox last night and it was as amazing as I hoped! We flailed and shouted and cried at basically all the same bits. There’s nothing like watching something you love with someone else who loves it just as much. Also now we are both addicted to Sleepy Hollow, which is […]

The 10 Worst Civil Liberties Nightmares of 2014

The world may not actually be falling apart—but it feels like America is. From police brutality and botched executions to voter suppression and election corruption, 2014 was a terrible year for civil liberties in the United States. Protests were quelled by military-grade weapons in scenes worthy of a banana republic,… WOW. I don’t really know […]

ttdow: yung-witch: this child is so patient with this name thing reblogging so you all can correct people’s mispronunciations, so she doesn’t have to anymore Source: yung-witch

jellyfishsempai: BUT I WAS A STAR FOR ONE WHOLE MINUTE *tap dances away* Source: jellyfishsempai

#steve’s peggy smile Source: suricruz

kevinbolk: O’ Christmas Groot, O’ Christmas Groot. How lovely are thy dances. Here’s some more art I whipped up for Captain Blue Hen Comics’ “Grootmas” event in December. Source: kevinbolk

The abundance of light was inexpressibly comforting. Life, sap, warmth, odour, overflowed; you felt beneath creation the enormity of its source; in all these breezes saturated with love, in this coming and going of reflections and reverberations, in this prodigious expenditure of rays, in this indefinite outlay of fluid gold, you felt the prodigality of […]

travelingcolors: New York City Dreams (by Irene Suchocki) Source: Flickr / irenesuchocki

Source: silvertons